Monday, July 30, 2007

Aboriginal masterpiece sets new art record

You can read the full CNN story here.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hi From Huntington IN

Finally, I'm now into the 21st century and writing on a blog!! Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Kay Schwob and the leader of the group. My husband of 13 years is Mark Schwob. We have two children, Heaston who will be a 7th grader and Hunter who will be a 4th grader.

I have been a Rotarian for 11 years and am a past president of my Huntington Club. I had the opportunity to represent my club at the Rotary International Convention in Brisbane, Australia in 2003. Mark and I visited Brisbane, Cairns, The great Barrier Reef and Sydney. While there, we were welcomed by many wonderful Rotarians and have since been friends with several from the Holroyd Rotary Club. Australia is a beautiful and welcoming country.

I work at Huntington University in the Enterprise Resource Center. I help our students find real world experiences such as internships and job shadows.

I am extremely honored to lead the team. This is going to be an amazing trip.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Indiana environmental official defends BP permit

You can read the full text of the AP story here.

This is a blow to the work so many people in Northwest Indiana are trying to accomplish in preserving the lakefront.

Once again, Northwest Indiana is caught in the middle between the City of Chicago and the State of Indiana. Chicago's Mayor Daley is against the dumping, but since it occuring across the state line (albeit by mere miles), he can't use his political clout. Down in Indianapolis, politicians are looking at the finanical gains but not the environmental realities.

I'm sure Steve and I will be following this story. As one local letter writer wrote today in the Northwest Indiana times, would BP officials dump this much waste in the River Thames?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Australian Newspapers

If you look to the sidebar on the right, I have added an Australian Media Outlets link list. I am working on adding the major daily newspapers, and I am working on finding out the political slant of each of the major dailies.

Let me know if you find a publication you want me to add.